Apr 24, 2010
11:47 PM
"Voices in Flight and Clean and Green Week!"
- samantha k

Hello :D

Those who want to go for Voices in Flight (choir concert), please tell me by next week! And for those who have already ordered, please pay me by next week as well.

Also, two people need to go for Clean and Green week amazing race thingy! Its on this Wed, 28 April. Preferably someone that doesn't have cca on Wed? who can please tell me also!!


Apr 22, 2010
9:33 PM
"...and we pass! XD"
- Gid

Update on Bench Check

CT benches which failed the check on 21/04/2010 :
S66, S67, S6A, S6C, S6G, S6T, S70, S79, S7G

Ken Yeow
EC Discipline

YEAY! We pass at last!

I hate grim reminders, but...

"Please note that A11, A13, S76 had fail the check twice. Your class bench wil be moved to the area within the curved wall outside the Auditorium if you fail one more bench check."

Which is seriously NO PROBLEM, right?


Apr 10, 2010
11:47 AM
- 10s76


BIO MAKEUP/mon/3.45pm to dunno what time/B107

fac outing - let's have a class theme eg. floral preens (haha!), nerd glasses...:D

yeah we must not fail the next ct bench check!!


Apr 9, 2010
10:08 PM
- yanping(:

Dear students,

CT bench checks had been conducted on 30/03/2010 and
31/03/2010 (pictures taken) and the results are as follows:

CT benches
which failed the check on 30/03/2010 :
A11, A13, S76

CT benches
which failed the check on 31/03/2010 :
A11, A13, S60, S63, S65, S68, S6D,
S72, S75, S74, S76

Please note tha A11, A13 and S76 had failed the check
twice. Your CT bench will be taken away and move to the 'Zen Garden' which is
the area within the curved wall outside the Auditorium if you fail one more CT
bench check.

Ken Yeow
EC Discipline

DDDD: howhowhow people! no wonder we got bullied by ants! let's all clear up our class bench okay! i've already cleared abit just now before i left school but somehow i don't really what to throw or what not to throw )):

i don't want our class bench to be removed from that spot D:

8:47 PM
"a story to tell"
- Gid

I know I'm the kind who usually keeps things short & simple. But today, I've got a story to tell you guys:

There was once a class of three students, Ariel, Bin Hao & Cid. Each student was very bright, and their teacher Mr Sam knew that each one had a lot of potential.

Once, Mr Sam had to attend an overseas conference, and decided to let the students try their hand at managing short projects. To Ariel he gave 5 tasks, to Bin Hao he gave 2, but to Cid he gave only 1 task. Before he left, the Mr Sam said, "I'm so proud of you three! I have been waiting to give you small projects to manage on your own, and I think it's time I let you three take the wheels! I can’t wait to see your presentations!" With that, he left for the break.

Immediately, Ariel hit the library, setting about her tasks. She began to check all sorts of journals, newspapers, and just about every article she could get her hands on. "If my teacher had carried this out this, how would he have done it?" she wondered. It did not take long before Ariel found all the articles she needed to start on all five tasks.

Bin Hao, however, wasn't as successful as he had hoped to be. It seemed that all the tasks he were given were all that were out of his specialty. "Oh no! I'm best at biology, but why did I end up with Philosophy?" Bin Hao thought very hard, and suddenly remembered that he had a few friends who loved to talk philosophy all day long. He started calling them up to help him with his tasks. "Hello Hongjun? Bin Hao here. I need some help with philosophy..."

Cid, on the other hand, was very disgruntled by the task he had. " 'Why Teaching is Good Learning'. How dumb! Which fellow wants to teach? We came here to learn and prepare for our jobs, not to..." He was about to continue his tirade against his project when he realised that his favourite soccer team was about to start their match against their nemesis team. "This ridiculous task can wait, he thought."

Eventually, days stretched into weeks, and before long Mr Sam returned from his trip. He couldn't wait to see the progress report of his three students. he first found Ariel, and asked her for a presentation.

Ariel, being the brilliant girl she was, displayed her meticulous work so well that Mr Sam was full of her praises when she finished. In fact, she even had 5 other project ideas that were waiting to start. He said, "Wow Ariel! You really impress me! Here, I bought you a special present!" Ariel was so delighted, because Mr Sam gave her a unique hat from the country he visited.

Just then, Bin Hao burst through the door, panting as he tried to explain his difficulties in managing the projects. "I'm so sorry Mr Sam," he panted, "but philosophy is really a weakness of mine, so I had a lot of help from my friends. However, I have some proposals for biology projects you might want to read if you aren't too tired."

"Oh, it was alright Bin Hao," Mr Sam laughed heartily as he explained, "I knew it was your weakness, so I wanted to see how you'd gather the resources to meet the task requirements. I'm delightfully surprised to see that you exceeded my expectations of this project, so I also have something for you!"

He presented Bin Hao something he had always wanted: a book of folk pieces for the piano that he somehow couldn't find. Bin Hao was so happy, he ran to the music room to give it a shot, and almost forgot to thank Mr Sam on his way out!

Wait. Where's Cid? Mr Sam wondered. Mr Sam began searching, but found Sam in a very unlikely place, and at a very unlikely activity: In the classroom using the computer to watch a satellite match of his favourite soccer team. An astonished Mr Sam asked, "Cid! What are you doing? Haven’t you finished your project?"

Cid reluctantly turned to Mr Sam and whined "Mr Sam, your topic is not worth doing! You know there's no way we'd be able to actually experiment with teaching in school, so why did you even bother giving me this project? I had not done it, because I just find this sheer ridiculous!

Mr Sam sighed. He looked at Cid in the eye and answered coldly "Cid, you were the one I had the greatest hope on. Between the three, I knew you were very good at creating scenarios and making plans that work even if you did not test them, hence I gave you the hardest task as I was very confident if your ability..." He looked away, trying not to sound disappointed.

"Unfortunately, you disappointed me. The very least you could do was to at least come up with a proposal of a better project, so that I can let you proceed soon. I guess that my trust in you was misplaced. I was planning to give you a jersey of your favourite striker in the soccer team, but it seems that you have not done anything to deserve it. On top of that, I am withdrawing your privileges."

Calling Bin Hao back in, he said "tell Ariel that I have a new project waiting for her."

Bin Hao looked blankly. "But Mr Sam, she already has 10 projects!"

Mr Sam turned to him and patted his shoulder, saying, "To the one who has, more shall be given. To the one who does not have, even what little he has will be taken away. I hope you learn this principle. Those who choose to do nothing about what little they have will lose it. Those who have many but fully utilize every one opportunity they get will always get more."

End of Story.

*Pants*Pants* I took hours to write this, and I'm sure a handful of you know where this story came from, but that's not the main point.

Essentially, we all start out with a small number of 'projects'. Some of us are like Ariel, who is able to finish the task quickly and go beyond expectations. Some of us are like Bin Hao, who struggles finishing tasks but still makes the effort to do it the best he could.

I just pray hard we do not end up like Cid in this story, who not only lost his opportunity, but also a few other things, just because he felt something was stupid. Which is worse, doing a 'stupid' project, or losing other things because you won't do it?

As you guys know, we've failed the bench check again. It's on 30th March & 31st march, which means one day after Mr Yeow's announcement. It's true it's quite unfair for us to be checked again just one day after the impromptu announcement, but we should not forget that the cleanliness of our class bench is our responsibility, just like keeping the neatness of our own rooms or homes.

I'm very sure we're all sensible enough to know what to do about our responsibilities, so I doubt we actually need rules for class bench!

Back in high school, my 'fac' lived by a couple of value statements, one of which I hope we all learn to take on: "Ensures a conducive learning environment for others." I'm quite sure mess at our bench always BUGS us to death X(

Anyways, I've sorted the things out a bit back there before I went home, and I managed to clear some stuff away. You can come back on monday to have a look.

Let's KEEP our class bench!



Apr 5, 2010
10:05 PM
"Sports Quiz"
- Anonymous

Hello the sports quiz I do already you all no need to anymore (:

Apr 2, 2010
4:25 PM
- 10s76

Hey everyone!:D


CELL STRUCTURE "QUIZ" (Holiday HW) - Pls peer-mark and hand it to me on mon! (hmm i dunno how we are gonna do that since we will be at home but maybe mon just hurry peer-mark:D)

BIO MAKE-UP - tentative mon, but Mrs Lim said she'll get back to us.

ok thats all folks!:D



Apr 1, 2010
7:06 PM
"Sally, Tweety & Sami"
- Anonymous

hello! (:

Sally and Tweety passed me some souvenirs which I'll bring to school on monday.
And they want us to add them on MSN/Facebook so I shall type their contact details here and you all can go figure out how to do it since I have no idea.

1. 萧惠惠 Sally
Email: sallyhui5@gmail.com
Cell: 0958588037
MSN: stu883336 (Yahoo)

2. Tweety
Email: chupagen@gmail.com

oh. and I did something :D

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in the following content are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Definition of ‘Sami’ from 10S76 Advanced Students’ Dictionary

sami noun

1. someone who likes to set countdowns to the pi ratio

He is very good at organizing new year parties as he can be transformed into a sami.

2. someone who has ‘AGENDAS’ listed as a significant part of his/her life (esp. when two lessons have to be amalgamated into one)

At a scholarship interview, he proudly stated “One of my strengths is that I can be a sami.”

samily adjective

1. refusing to give any answers to any questions

When asked for the directions to the nearest restroom, he samily said “Go find it yourself!”

samism noun

1. the quality of being sami

In order to score well for A levels, we should all practise samism.

sami verb

1. to be overly organised

We should not sami and lead a more flexible lifestyle instead!

You all should know what to do to read it (: